Be Watchful of Masquerade Spirits



Welcome back folks, hope all is well in life or as I like to call it now the twilight zone because of how crazy things have become. I have been doing a lot of car work, sanding and spray painting my calipers, caliper brackets, and rims because they were getting too rusty. I have been using muriatic acid to clean the rust off the parts and even oven cleaner for the rims. I am hungry, tired, a bit sore, and may have taken in some fumes working so if this post gets weird, I am sorry.


I want to talk about something that I believe has been attacking my life and still is and that’s people driven by masquerade spirits. These are spirits that aim to attack God’s anointed and Chosen ones via gossip, betrayal, lies, and slander and they do this by monitoring us and putting on a masquerade while in their presence. Stated in the following article, here:

To masquerade means to pretend to be what you are not. It also means to wear a costume or mask to disguise or to put on a veil to hide your identity. In 2 Cor. 11:14-15, we are told that Satan disguises as angel of light. It is not surprising, therefore, to know that his agents do the same thing even when they know that they will be condemned in judgment. Masquerades are powers or evil personalities that cover themselves with a veil whenever they attack their victims. They use the cover of the night to attack their victims. This includes witches and wizards, ancestral demons or even close associates operating with demonic powers. They can use the face of a familiar person to attack you, while their true identity remains unknown. This is why you must not be too quick to accuse anybody when you experience certain attacks in your dreams.

It is important to know what these powers disguise themselves into: Firstly, they could masquerade as Christians, even pastors, preachers or prophets with large followings. Many of them are occultic, yet they wear suits like ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ to deceive people. You can identify them by their fruits not by their gifts because some gifts can be faked.

Satan and his agents prophesy like genuine servants of God; so, you have to be careful of where you go to. Secondly, they masquerade themselves as friends, while they are your worse enemies. I remember the story of two ladies who were best of friends. One of them perceived that her husband was having affairs with a strange evil woman and told her friend, so that they can both fast and pray over it, but not quite long the secret discussion soon became a public issue.

Both friends attended the same fellowship in the same ministry; so, the story spread fast. All the members of the fellowship, except the woman in question and the pastor of fellowship, knew who the strange woman was, but could not say it.

The woman in question was naïve and bewitched until a concerned member of the fellowship disclosed to her that the strange woman is her best friend. It was too late to do anything and she lost her husband to her so-called best friend. I pray for you, may God expose every secret enemy disguising as a friend around you in Jesus’ name.

Again, masquerading powers can disguise as an angel of light, while they are an angel of darkness. When they come to you watch what they say, if it is in accordance with the word of God, (Isaiah 8:20). Sometime ago, a very young believer out of excitement, embarked on a long period of fasting and prayer. All he requested for was to hear from God. The devil took advantage of his naiveness and began to tell him to do strange things.

He did not know the difference between God’s voice and that of Satan, and he was misled by masquerading power. He almost ran mad until God intervened to save the situation. Not every angelic appearance is an angel of light, whether in your dream or physical. There are ways to tell if you have met a true angel of light. Angels do not demand for worship, even if you attempt to do so in honor. If you meet an angel of light, you will tremble, no matter how anointed or holy you may be; and the angel will tell you: “Fear not.” May every season of masquerade attack in your life be cancelled in Jesus’ name.


It might be hard to imagine, but not everyone at Church is there for Jesus, some could be there for the devil to attack God’s followers. Satanists, and bad actors acting as witches and warlocks target followers of Jesus. They may be in your bible study groups, maybe they bring homemade snacks that are enchanted, hoping to bewitch someone or make them sick, maybe infect someone with a love spell. Maybe they’re being paid, testing their powers, playing games, or paying spell practitioners to attack you, they may try to get a piece of your clothing, or a hair from your head for an altar they plan to make to increase their spell work effectiveness.

It’s important to keep guard of your mind and feelings after such events to make sure you’re not afflicted with witchcraft. This is why I stopped drinking the free coffee at my Church and decreased my eating at potlucks and other gatherings. How hard would it be for a bad actor to pretend to be a devoted Chrisitan, get into serving ministry at the Church, and help with the coffee on Sunday mornings only to dump something into it to bewitch members of the Church?


An easy way to test those around you is to make your life details into a honeypot of sorts. The idea is to provide fake information or details that would be intriguing to those wishing to do harm and spread gossip to catch leakers. Also, people are good at faking their true intentions, but direct eye contact can usually tell a different story. Cold shoulders, lack of friendliness, contradicting behavior, eyes watching you from a distance, spiritual warfare after being seen, and people falling away.

My blog here I use as a honeypot, but the information is not fake. I want my enemies to read my content, I want them to share and spread the posts. As they’re doing my work for me, I am using them while they think their gossip will harm me. Some seeds I spread may sound ridiculous at first but when they activate or are remembered at the right time, they can cause an effect. Someone could be converted, repent and change their ways. God’s protecting me too, this is God’s blog administered by me and His work will not return to Him void.

So, keep sharing my enemies, share everything I write, and do my bidding!


Humans can be fragile creatures both physically and mentally. Let me share an example. Imagine a girl in high school, strives to do her best, look her best, be an example, and falls in love with a great looking guy, he knows his way around women, plays football, has other girls after him, and so on. The girl ends up dating the guy, but the guy does not have Christian values and has been trying to get the girl to have sex with him. The girl denies for a while but in fear of losing him, she caves eventually, but the guy ends up leaving her for another girl in the future anyway. Her virginity has been lost and her marriage value damaged.

They split up but the girl still holds feelings for the guy, a soul tie and bondage were created with the act of sex so the connection is strong, she can’t get over him.

She prays and hopes God will get him back to her and she also follows the guy to the same college after high school graduation, same city and all but nothing is happening in regard to him coming back to her. It’s just not going to happen.

The girl gets mad at God, bitterness starts to grow and so she eventually finds she will do anything to get him back or get revenge and she turns to love magic and other forms of spell work to acquire results and power, witchcraft essentially.

Eventually, even getting into cults and other strange practices with like-minded people. Her whole concept of God, life, men, herself tainted.

These cults target Christians, and this girl’s innocence was lost from her, her heart broken, her life and future messed with, so she aims to play games with guys, and mess with them the same way she was messed with for revenge and to get back at God. Until one guy appears that can’t be brought down because God is protecting and covering him, and the girl starts to get new feelings, but she knows who she is and what she has done.

So, in her new love she turns to her experience with witchcraft to get the new Christian guy she likes but it’s not working. She will have to go back to God to have a chance, and perhaps God brought him in her path to help save her and get her back on track. Will she go back to God or attempt to destroy another guy she can’t have in her anger and bitterness?

Indeed, these kinds of people and situations are out there, and we need be observant like a hawk to catch them.


Listen my enemies, I warned you about my eyes and you’ve been caught. Your only option now is to confess and come clean, there is no other way. Relax, I am a chill dude, I won’t be mad, after all, the best stories are those where the ones steeped in darkness become free and fight for the side of good. So, to my enemies, give up, on me giving up and turn from your wicked ways.

There is not much time left before the tribulation, a time of immense suffering the likes of which the world has never seen before. You will not want to be here for what’s coming. Here is the music.

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