I Reject Any COVID-19 Vaccines


Mass Produced COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 is really annoying a lot of people now. It’s the morning and I check the news, the fake news that is, just to see what propaganda is in the current news cycle, and read this headline, “There will be one economy for the vaccinated and another for everyone else“.  These vaccines are being pushed so heavily by world powers now that it should be OBVIOUS to any Christian following events in the last couple years that such a push reeks of a dark agenda at work. When these ‘experimental’ vaccines were released, some people couldn’t wait to get it, like a new flavor of Mountain Dew or Doritos being released.


Some would say to me, “I did the research, and I believe it’s a safe vaccine”. Well, how? There are no long-term studies available, the vaccine inserts with such information are blank! I would also then ask where they are getting their information since the majority of research and articles saying the opposite has been censored from the public. It pains me to say it, but some people will just have to learn the hard way.

Now, in less than a year, more than half a million reports of injuries have flooded into VAERS following experimental COVID jabs, including thousands of deaths. Yet a deafening regulatory silence has greeted this record-setting volume of adverse reactions, which accounts for nearly a third of all reports accumulated by VAERS over its entire three-decade lifespan. – source

The question is, what ticking time-bomb will be discovered in these vaccines years down the line? Cancer? Infertility? Heart issues?

Many Christians like myself spent years trying to wake people up. We were censored, blocked, ridiculed, judged, and now they’re trying to force us to get experimental cocktails or lose our jobs, common freedoms, and things we enjoy under the false pretense that we’re endangering others by being vaccine-free.

This week I scheduled my Fakebook account for permanent deletion. Much of anything I posted against this New World Order agenda has been censored, I fought long and hard in the arena there for my friends and family, but it was time for me to go. I did awaken quite a few, those that didn’t want to hear the truth unfriended and blocked. Many others are deleting their accounts and doing the same as we look for alternatives that allow free-speech.


Let’s talk more about these vaccines and how they’re not what they seem.

A recurring theme being broadcast by public health officials and the media is that vaccine-induced immunity is superior to that of natural immunity, but preliminary data from Israel — a country with more than 60% of its population vaccinated against COVID-19 — is showing otherwise.

Data presented to the Israeli Health Ministry July 13, 2021,2 revealed that, of the more than 7,700 COVID-19 cases reported since May 2021, only 72 occurred in people who had previously had COVID-19 — a rate of less than 1%. In contrast, more than 3,000 cases — or approximately 40% — occurred in people who had received a COVID-19 vaccine. As reported by Israeli National News:

“With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 instances of reinfection amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID.

By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave.”

In other words, those who were vaccinated were nearly 700% more likely to develop COVID-19 than those who had natural immunity from a prior infection — and this is largely in response to the Delta variant, which has led to increasing infections in Israel. – source

So based on this data, the people getting the vaccines are the super spreaders now. This explains why the media is reporting vaccinated numbers at 70% and increasing but COVID-19 cases yet increasing.  Of course, the media doesn’t blame the vaccines but the ‘Delta’ variant for the cause, thus they push the vaccines harder on those refusing, like me.

Yet, recent research shows that the CDC can’t even properly test for COVID-19. Many remember how the common flu numbers dropped to almost nothing as COVID-19 cases were being reported. But it’s actually because the common flu cases were being counted as COVID-19 positive cases.

This is why the CDC will no longer use its original COVID-19 test as reported here. The problem being now that the deception has been played. If testing was accurate in the beginning, it would show that COVID-19 was not as deadly as the Fake News made it out to be which doesn’t work for what they wanted to implement. So, they had to have a test that would have some offset to also detect another common similar virus, the flu. This reek of foul play and I will not be a part of it.

We do know that eventually during the Tribulation period after the Rapture the Mark of the Beast system will be deployed.

Revelation 13:16-17:

16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

The vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast, but it’s helping set the framework for it. After years of conditioning with these vaccines, once the Mark of the Beast is deployed, people will be used to just submitting and giving away their freedom, unfortunately in this case, to their ultimate end, a destiny destroyer.


As a Christian my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit as stated in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20:

19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

So, putting an experimental cocktail of failed science from scientists who for the most part ridicule us Christians anyway, doesn’t seem proper at all. The enemy likes to kill, steal, and destroy. As well as divide us and we’re seeing just that with these COVID-19 vaccines and mandates.

Some people have used the argument of being Pro-Life in accepting these vaccines, but what about the use of ‘aborted human fetus cells’ in the development of these gene-therapy injections?

In a PDF on the CDC website titled “Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary,” the CDC lists all the excipients (often referred to as bulking agents or fillers) being used in vaccines that are currently being injected into adults and children across the country. The list, current as of January 19, 2019, was “extracted from manufacturers’ package inserts,” according to the CDC. To read the full, disturbing list of vaccines ingredients Big Pharma is pumping into bodies, including “chick embryo cell culture” and “formaldehyde”, click through to the CDC website here.

Natural News reports: The WI-38 cell line is widely known to be “derived from lung tissue of an aborted white (caucasian) female fetus,” as even the pro-vaccine. Wikipedia website admits. As the Coriell Institute for Medical Research explains about the MRC-5 cell line / WI-38: The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46,XY;normal diploid male. Cumulative population doublings to senescence is 42-48. G6PD isoenzyme is type B. – source


Now employers will try to force these, but if you’re working in a small business, or you know many coworkers that share your views, stick together and reject the vaccine, have them fire you, or resign and let them lose good workers. Some employers have found this out the hard way!


So, what else should I add? Because there is much more out there. It’s your job to do the research and use critical thinking. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. In a time where Big Tech can censor just about anyone or anything, you need to be very cautious, and shouldn’t just go and inject experimental cocktails into your body because they say it’s good for you.

If you fight back, you may lose friends, you may lose family, you may lose more, but that’s the fight! If we lose these battles there won’t be much of a life left to live for anyway, don’t just submit and cave, fight back, peacefully that is.


I will gladly die before submitting to this vaccine. The choice is obvious! The path is clear, we know what comes next. Jesus Christ is coming soon. I am not trying to scare you folks, but take a second to smell the bacon here, because we’re headed for trouble! I can’t just sit back and eat a bag of muffins, we got work to do folks, people to wake up.

This is an information war, the test of time, training, getting tough, fighting back, this is our mission. So, get to it! Who cares what people think about you, this is serious stuff folks? Think about this, if they think or say bad things about you, unless they repent, those words will be shown to them in front of Jesus and their Guardian Angels in their Life Review, as shared by Howard Storm’s NDE testimony.

If people unfriend or block you then that’s great! That means you implanted a seed into their minds, they may have blocked you but that will just cause them to remember what you said even more.

The reason they remove you is because now they’re probably having trouble sleeping at night, maybe finally starting to realize that fake news CNN doesn’t actually have their best interest in-mind!

So, keep pushing, after some time you will just laugh about it, like watching a Drake and Josh episode. So, calm down, do your job, be real. Be transformed, here is the music.

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