Life Works of Many to Be Lost Forever


Pocket Watch in Sand

There’s no doubt that wickedness is increasing in the world. We can see it all around us. When the Lord awakened me from my worldly slumber at the age of 23 I became aware of the many great things He has prepared for those that love Him.

My life which felt purposeless before now had meaning. I became aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit when I gave my life to the Lord one night after listening to the testimony of Howard Storm. Going to work, saving up money, trying to grow in my career, enjoy pastimes, rinse and repeat had begun to feel so empty. I believe this is something millions of others feel and is a reason why depression is so common.

Many people lack purpose. Many drown out and distract themselves from the emptiness with things like parties, relationships, gaming, food, drugs, materialism, and more. So, Howard Storm’s testimony was like checking all the boxes of my inner thoughts and it really resonated with me.


Before I gave my life to Jesus, I would drown out the emptiness with playing some video games or researching the many mysteries of this world. I love mystery and I feel bad for Jesus with all of the questions I will have for Him once I meet Him. At some point, I prayed the following verse over my life:

Jeremiah 33:3:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

I discovered the Missing 411 phenomenon, the Mandela EffectCERNr/Glitch_in_the_MatrixQuantum D-Wave computers, Tunnel Boring MachinesPlanet XChemtrails, and more.

To be honest I kind of wish I didn’t know all of these things now, but it all reinforces the fact that we’re in the end days and to spend our time wisely. I then found a NDE testimony from a woman whose son ended up drowning and being brought back to life and the son talked about meeting Jesus and what He said about a war that’s coming really bothered me.

I then did further research on this possibility and landed on Clare du Bois’ Still Small Voice Triage website, and I got my answers and confirmation. Even more troubling things to learn and contemplate.


What I didn’t expect is how all these strange mysteries connected and are all just signs of the end times and will be a part of the Great Tribulation to come upon the Earth. Essentially, you come to the understanding that things as we know it will fade away and be destroyed. People are now spending too much of their time focusing on things that will all fade away.

Let’s take YouTube for example, all the content creators, they create these very well-done videos, have thousands or millions of subscribers, a huge following, making money and… for what? Entertainment? Wealth? Fame?

If things were to wrap up now on Earth, their life’s work would not stand in the courts of Heaven. They lived their lives for themselves and spent their life trying to attain fleshly desires. How many of these content creators are thanking the Lord for what He gave them? How many even talks about the Lord in their videos at all?

If they were to use their channels for the purposes of God, they could reach many people, and add to their Book of Life, they could change the course of history and bring good to the world. That is, until Google blocks or censors them. But you see, there is a price to following the Lord and it may cost you your lifestyle and even your life, and for many that’s too hard. But for those that are willing, great will be their rewards in Heaven.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

The quote above is a great example of what’s wrong in the world right now. Many people believe Church and Politics should be separate, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In-fact I say it’s impossible to sperate the two.

A female minister I follow, Clare Du Bois, receives visitations from the Lord similar to that recorded in the life and diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, and I found her ministry after praying over my life the following verse:

Jeremiah 33:3:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Below are some words claimed to be from Jesus to her on the state of America.

In Clare’s message titled: Tragedy Looms Unless WE Repent and Pray

Jesus began to speak,

“Yes, Beloved, there is one thing that will hold back the very worst of what can happen in America, and that one thing is repentance. You and other prophets have consistently called for repentance, but your cries have not reached the President’s ears. Those cries are for him to lead national repentance for the sins of your former governments, the sins of the people, the sins of the military. Long and hard I have cried out to America to repent. Much is being done to undo the horrendous crimes against children and humanity, but I still need repentance on a much grander scale. If it is not forthcoming, what you have seen will come to pass.

“It is not enough to announce, ‘Make America Great Again’, I have asked you to ‘Make America Repentant Again’. Unless this repentance is modelled on a national level, unless it is modelled on a personal level, the plan still remains to humble this nation. Understand, men in power, this nation has committed atrocities beyond belief, not only to its own, but to those countries that wanted to manipulate. The blood from these countries still cries out to Me and still I have not heard the sounds of weeping and repentance for these atrocities. The whole nation will suffer because of them if you do not heed My call. What you have done to other countries will fall back upon your own heads unless there is true repentance. I am asking you to institute a day of national repentance, a day of fasting, weeping, and reparation for the sins of your nation.

I stand ready to show you mercy, America, but I am still waiting for you to recognize and repent of the sins of your nation. In this moment, only repentance on a grand scale can change what is soon to happen to you. The sins of Hollywood that have gone unchecked and have formed the minds and consciousness of the young, promoting violence, sexual immorality, divorce, materialism. The sins of the educational system that has introduced anti- Christ agendas, sexual perversion, promiscuity, exploitation of women without being stopped. The sins of abortion that have been allowed, making My babies an item of food, like cattle. The sins of the elite who have set the stage for a ruined America. The sins of the military that has committed atrocities against mankind.

The sins of the medical industry that has profited off the sicknesses and even created the sicknesses in experimentation and for profit. The sins of Wall Street and the wealthy who have stolen from the poor. The sins of a society which has placed material gain above parental guidance and left their children to the state to raise. The sins of the agencies that have been corrupted and betrayed children and families, turning over the compromised to unscrupulous sex traders. The sins of the police and judicial system that have been bought off, so these crimes could go by untouched by the justice system. The sins of corporate entities that have stolen, poisoned and cheated the peoples of the world in order to control and reap gain off the poorest of the poor.

“America, your sins go on and on without end. Only a massive wake up call will turn your heads around. Even then, those you who will insist the truth is buried in the sand, while millions around you suffer from unjust policies. How am I to release you from your indebtedness to humanity?

How am I to overlook your crimes and pass them off? How am I to excuse you of these things when repentance is still a foreign concept to you? In truth, I cannot. Judgment must come. If only you would have listened to Me crying out to you to repent of your ways, months and even years ago. Do not say, ‘Make America Great Again’, rather say ‘Make America Repentant’ and then I will hear your prayers to forestall the tragedy that is about to overtake you”.


The majority, if not all of the issues mentioned above are influenced by politics. The sins mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg as well. I will be honest with you; I am surprised things have gone on as long as they have. Many pastors will not speak out due to their voice being chained by being under the 501(c)(3) tax status. Fear that the IRS will revoke it if they speak out. They took a bribe, and the community gets sick and disillusioned.

It’s clear that God loves the souls on this planet so much that He just keeps extending mercy, after mercy, but He will need to call it at some point and this nation will be brought to its knees and humbled. I have no doubt that Russia and China will invade us at some point causing WW3 should things continue in the wrong direction.

If you watch Bob Barber’s videos, the Chronicles of the Rapture, WW3 is in so many of the dreams and visions, including Russia and China.


So why do I bring all of this up? Because I want to let you know that the worldly purposes of this life are not your purpose. You have a much greater purpose in the Lord. The act of giving your life to the Lord for His purposes, which is to love your neighbor as yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus, and to help bring souls to salvation using your gifts, talents, and resources. This creates everlasting fruit and rewards from your good deeds that will not be wiped away from your Book of Life.

Your cars, houses, possessions, bank accounts, life savings, gold and silver, games, collector items, art, will all be flooded, stolen, robbed, burned, and eventually destroyed. Work done for the purposes of Heaven will not be destroyed and when you die you will receive the rewards and be given great things to do for the Kingdom of God. When Jesus comes to restore things on Earth in the Millennial Reign who do you think will get to be a part of that?

The Christians! Now think about this, who will Jesus give the more rewarding jobs and roles to during that time of restoration?

Luke 16:10-12:

10 “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. 11 If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? 12 And if you have not been faithful in that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?

This life on Earth is such a small part of our lives, but it’s like a testing or proving ground for Spiritual Growth and preparation for Heaven and life’s eternal destiny. You can use your skills and gifts to reach souls.

I am attempting to do it here with this blog. I don’t force this reading on anyone, they have to click to read it, but I have no idea if what I am doing will bring fruit for the Kingdom of God, but I am at least giving it a try and that’s all the Lord asks of us.

Matthew 25:24-30:

24 “Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’

26 “His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27 Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

28 “‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. 29 For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 30 And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

“Mankind should have been my business, and instead I was only involved in my self ego. I am determined now that if I have the opportunity to go back again, to do everything good that I can so that when Jesus reads the book of my life again, he is going to need three angels and a forklift to open it.” – Jim Woodford

So, you see Jim Woodford, didn’t have much to show for his life. Just like Howard Storm’s life review as well.

We’re all called to greater things than the things of this world and many just want to make as much money as possible, but from these two testimonies one can understand the wastefulness of such endeavors and of all things that don’t involve God.


Dear Heavenly Father,

We can only come to you through Jesus Christ, who died the horrific death us sinners deserved so we could be forgiven of our sins and have a way into Heaven, so we ask for His and the Holy Spirit’s presence right now to relay this prayer to You. Thank you Jesus, for waking me up when I was 23, out of my sleep to show me the true reality of this world, and my life’s purpose and destiny.

Thank you for giving me food and shelter each day and for my talents which I can use to help further Your Kingdom. Lord, I pray that the readers here will be able to take away something and have it carry-on in their life. I pray that they will accept You as the one and only true God and live for You and come into their divine destinies and purposes.

I pray that you would remove any demonic oppression from the enemy in their lives and even my own and bring new freedoms and opportunities into their lives. I pray Lord, that you would show them your presence and power in a way that only they could know it’s You! Thank you, Lord, for the great Church, you led me to, and I pray that others would be able to find a Church that’s right for them.

I have met so many great brothers and sisters and have been part of many fun adventures for You Lord with them. Please forgive me Lord for any thoughts, words, and actions by me that have offended you. Please help me Lord and all the readers that come to this website. Please guide them. Amen!


There is so much more to talk about, and I have this whole blog to do so with you all. What I want you to take away from this reading is that it’s time to focus our efforts on the purposes of God, and come against the wicked and corrupt leadership, to repent of our own sins, and stay close to the Lord, as this world will fade away, we may not even have tomorrow.

The rapture will be a real event and Satan will have his counterfeit explanation to give people in the world to explain the many disappearances. The most obvious one being extraterrestrial abductions, to deceive people from the truth of God. It’s important for me to share these things with you while they may sound outlandish, but when the events occur, you will remember and not fall into deception. Here is some music to end this post.

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