The Hidden Gifts in Our Failures


Man Depressed

Our hidden gifts, what are they? As we grow-up and learn, we face some failures in our life. For some, it may seem like many others out in the world are doing just fine, they’ve had success, while for some it seems like success is ever so far away, maybe even unreachable.

I will be the first to tell you that life isn’t fair. We are all given a set of cards in life when we’re born, we do not get to pick them (or so we think), but must navigate life with the cards that were given to us.

Indeed, this is one aspect that I wrestle with God about. For example, a soul that was brought up in a drug addicted home, someone that was abused, causing endless difficulties in their life. Another, brought up in a loving Christian home, prospering through life.

It seems like the cards had a lot to do with the outcomes of each. Satan caused the drug addicted family situation, but God formed that soul, and He knew what that soul would grow up with and the challenges he or she would face and allowed the situations to occur. He didn’t cause them, but He did allow them.

There are also the aspects of generational sin.

Exodus 34:6-7:

The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”

Deuteronomy 7:9-10:

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations, 10 and repays to their face those who hate him, by destroying them. He will not be slack with one who hates him. He will repay him to his face.

I have also read from some that claim that they felt the Lord revealed to them that the saying “I didn’t ask to be born” is actually not correct because souls get to choose their setting before they’re born, we just don’t remember it. It’s a hard pill to swallow but I can’t rule it out.


Jeremiah 1:5:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

It’s possible that as infant souls in Heaven, we could be too naive and very in-love with God to understand the challenges we would face on Earth when asked to be born on Earth. Maybe we wanted the challenge, who knows? Also, there are many including myself that have a very faint memory of the womb, sounds weird I know, but it’s actually a thing others claim to have if you research.

Regardless of the dynamics, even if true, unless the Bible spells it out word for word how things are I will get attacked for speaking heresy. So, relax my fellow Christians, I am just sharing what I have found and my thoughts.


What I really want to talk about however is our failures, and the introduction before this was to get you thinking about how God formed us before birth. The Lord wanted me to share something that has probably been overlooked by many but first we must understand what we’re born into.

A female minister I follow, Clare Du Bois, receives visitations from the Lord similar to that recorded in the life and diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, and I found her ministry after praying over my life the following verse:

Jeremiah 33:3:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Below are some words claimed to be from Jesus to her on opposition from the enemy.

Jesus speaks in one of Clare’s posts titled: A Love Letter to You

“Heart dwellers, I want you to understand fully, there is not a moment that goes by when a demon is not tormenting you with thoughts or planning the next thing, they can do to separate you from Me. You live in a war zone that is always active. That is why when a soul goes to Heaven they are overwhelmed with peace and joy, because for once in their lives they are not being pelted with fiery darts, poisoned with self-hatred. That is why I speak on this so many times, because you will never fully understand why you struggle with depression and lack of joy or inspiration.

Jesus speaks again to Clare is another post titled: Defeating the Enemy’s Tactics Through Obedience

Hold on. Hold on to the gifts I’ve given you. Hold on to the anointings, hold on to the dreams and visions, hold on to our tender times together. Hold on, hold on. Do not let the enemy come in and dissuade you into unbelief.

“He is cruising to steal from you through anger, bitterness, resentment and foolish fears. When you feel those things rising in your emotions, it is the enemy stealing from you. He wants to take away your sweetness, your presence with Me, and the overflow I fill you with.

“He loves to incite anger to drain you before you can even begin your day or finish a project or your prayers. He loves to lie in your ear, cause you to erupt into anger or fear and then drain you of all you had planned for the day and you run off to tend these decoys. He is very clever and he knows which buttons to push, because his agents, the demons, are forever observing you and taking notes.”

“He causes misunderstandings, then anger, alienation, judgment, guilt and at the end of this long string of involuntary reactions, you have lost the initiative and peace for the rest of the day. To do something truly productive in the Kingdom of God.

“Be aware of how he works through his minions, dear family. Be aware and nip it in the bud. Cry out to Me, ‘Jesus, deliver me from evil!’ And I will come to your aid. This does take self-control and discipline. The ways in which these two, moderating dynamics are compromised deliberately by the plans of the enemy are exhaustion and time constraints or deadlines. You feel as though you must get it done by whatever time, and when interruptions and distractions come, you become tense and resentful.

“When you are tired, you’re not thinking straight. Fear, pain, endless interruptions, if they are allowed, are used to drain you. Then you make bigger mistakes and have to repent and spend more time in damage control, pushing you further away from your goal.

“Be aware, My children. Be aware! Your enemy is so clever. But if you stay in My Love–always patient, always forgiving, refusing to judge, understanding I am allowing these things to temper and test you in virtue. If you continuously keep before you the vision of Me being in control of every one of these things, I can return your peace to you before it robs you of your day.”

Did you catch what He said to Clare?

He is very clever and he knows which buttons to push, because his agents, the demons, are forever observing you and taking notes.”

That’s quite the information, the enemy has been taking notes of us since we were born, they’re gathering our weaknesses, triggers, tendencies to distractions, and much more, that they can drive us off the proper path. In our warfare prayers we should ask that the demon’s notes on us, and any backups of them be destroyed which will really set them back and anger them. Now, while the enemy is always working against us, God is always working for us! But let’s try and think from God’s perspective, shall we?


God created me/us with certain gifts and talents to be used for His glory on Earth in the ultimate mission for helping to bring souls to salvation, growing to be a more Holy person, and having a relationship with God. So, the enemy wants to stop that at all costs. So, for example, when I was a child, I would always like to draw, and I loved art! Sometime when I was kid, I gave up on art because I had too many brain-blocks and frustrations. Naturally one would assume art just wasn’t my gift.

My senior year in High School I took my necessary art credits and one of our projects was to look at a shoe and draw it. I did my best and I really felt in the zone drawing the shoe. The teacher noticed my drawing and asked if I drew often, I told her I used to all the time when I was really young but gave up on it. She said that my drawing was very good and that I should explore that activity more again. These are the little hints that we need to be aware of in life.

It’s very possible that the demons were causing those frustrations and blocks as they noticed I liked art, perhaps they suspected that could be one my gifts from the Lord and attacked it, causing it to never grow.

Another example I can give was in my English class in my sophomore year in High School. We all had to write a fictional story and share it with the class. As I was writing, the creative ideas flowed, and I just wrote and felt in the zone. After I read it to the class, many people complemented my writing and even called me a writer! I didn’t think it was anything special. Even the teacher was impressed. I thought they were just being polite. Writing was never something I had ever considered to be a possible talent or gift of mine, and I don’t read many books, if any at all. English and grammar were also not my strong subjects in school, in-fact my hardest.

Was I weak in those areas or was it due to opposition from the enemy? Yet, here I am, not a writer, writing on a blog that I created by myself to reach others. I guess in a way I did become a writer or sorts, but I still would never consider myself one. I review some of these posts and I find like 20 errors weeks after the fact and laugh about it.

So, think back to the past, if you don’t know what your gifts are, maybe that’s because the gifts are those you already wrote off due to the enemy’s work in your life, and you should think back to things you enjoyed as a kid, things you gave up on.


What if much of our failures in life are because we’re not going down the right path? God wants to see us fulfilled and successful in what He has given us for our mission and destiny on Earth. So naturally if we’re going against that, pursuing things not of God, the wrong talents, God won’t protect it, and perhaps failure is to be expected. Because we’re supposed to reflect on why it’s not working and where we went wrong and re-calibrate our path.

Ephesians 2:10:

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

James 1:17:

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Exodus 31:3-5:

and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, to work in every craft.


Clare went through the same thing in her life. She pursued photography but when she came to the Lord, He impressed on her making music. It’s one of her gifts and she just started cultivating it late in her life. Some of the stuff she makes now is amazing from her first music works.

She is reaching thousands of souls with her music. You all have gifts and talents; the hard part is figuring out what they are, but perhaps this post will shed some light on what might be hidden in your past and in your failures. Perhaps, you just need to go back to the beginning. And once you do figure it out, engage in Spiritual Warfare to protect it.

Have a great New Year, and here is this post linked music to end it.

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