The One to Carry On


Squares Spell Resiliency

What I want to talk about tonight is the unfortunate aspect of walking in our callings and doing good work for the Lord. There are enemies all around us, so let’s expose them.


We know that there are demon spirits in the spiritual dimension that afflict us with many things. The closer we live to the example Jesus Christ set for us, the closer our spirit resembles Him. Our spirit could be imagined as a light emanating from within us, and like all variations of light, its own frequency. When we hold on to seeds of bitterness, unforgiveness, lust, and more, these seeds take root and grow larger the longer they’re not dealt with through prayer and repentance.

These seeds damage the garden of our hearts, and the frequency of your light becomes foul and dark and subconsciously detectable and felt by others. It’s like a virus and sickness, like being able to see someone ill, your mind wants to keep your distance from them, so you don’t catch the sickness, similarly the same with our spirits and soul.

A female minister I follow, Clare Du Bois, receives visitations from the Lord similar to that recorded in the life and diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, and I found her ministry after praying over my life the following verse:

Jeremiah 33:3:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Below are some words claimed to be from Jesus to her on our spiritual gardens.

In Clare’s message titled: The Wilted Garden

Well you too must never abandon a soul. Continue to pray for them. It may take a whole lifetime, but your prayers will be part of My solution, both for your state of mind and for them.– — I do not wish to see seeds of bitterness in My Brides. The flowers in the Garden of your soul, which I have planted, are very delicate. Bitter roots grow into Bitter Trees, bitter trees bear bitter fruit which puts out a noxious odor that can wilt every flower in your garden. Once more, this is not a little plant, it is a tree, with roots that spread into every corner of the garden, and a top that is bushy with thorns and casts shadows where there should be sunshine.– —

Oh, do you see Clare, bitter, bitter, bitter, is judgment and it leads to death. It is deadly poison that invades a garden and will in time cause every beautiful flower and fruit tree to wither. Is this what you want?

No Lord.

Well, look at your garden beloved.“–

And then I saw an enclosed garden that was covered with some kind of brown powder that was causing the other plants to disintegrate into slimy puddles. Once more, it was besieged by swarms of ugly flying insects, feeding on the bitter substance and transferring it like pollen from flower to flower.

Jesus continued, “That is the state of your soul right now. It has been building up bitterness because of judgment. And each time you judge, the roots get a fresh feeding which causes the tree to spread out even more and drop noxious fruit on the ground. This is a very serious state. Judgment has become a habit with you over the years. When you lived alone it was confined to a few people. But in community it is a constant irritating drip because there are so many things that transpire that have the potential to irritate you.

The answer is simple. When you see something that is not right, quickly pray for that soul and drop it. If it is a recurring problem, seek Me on how to help that soul. At the same time, bring up in your own life, something that is similar, that you did in your past. Take into consideration the person’s age and state in life when you do this. Then I want you to take time, sit down, and count their virtues. When you are finished, you may be shocked at all the beauty and good you have overlooked. At least this is what I am hoping for.

I am not saying that you should tolerate sin, not at all, it does need to be addressed. But come to the soul as a sinner who has been helped by Me to overcome their sins. And encourage the soul that with Me, nothing is impossible.


The last few months I have received words from other Christians about enemies after me. These enemies could range from people legitimately not liking me, to people being misled and used by the enemy (Satan and his army of demons) unknowingly to hurt me, to people actually thinking they’re doing good by attacking me. Now these people aren’t attacking my physically, but gossip, ruining my reputation, telling lies, and ranging to even people into witchcraft, casting spells against me.


I first caught on to the games by being observant to the eyes of those around me. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve looked behind or around me to see people looking at me from a distance. Almost like there is a gang of people in the room keeping tabs on me, taking notes on me. What I am doing. Who I am with. What I am wearing. I’ve shared this before, but the song The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – False Pretense comes to mind.

The song is about betrayal, the false pretense that people around you, are for you. The music video ends by showing the betrayers being part of a cult with marking on their skin. The Lord has given me this song several times on shuffle when I was afflicted with negative thought curses such as graveyard spells.

The truth is there can be people in our lives that care about and love, but deep down their intentions for us are malicious. I often thought about why some people would go this unfortunate route and what drives them to do so.


The Lord revealed to me that these people that do these attacks against me aren’t doing it because they dislike me, even if that’s their understanding for themselves. They’re doing it because of jealousy, pride, and their own dislike for themselves. Rather than step-up and fix their own mess, they would rather bring down others to make themselves feel better about their own abyss. The catch is that their attacks may make them smile in the short-term, but in the long-term…

Romans 12:19-21:

19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

You see, we don’t have to do anything to our attackers for God already has his discipline in-mind. As I was thinking these things, I felt the Lord share with me what he ‘allows’. The person doing the attacks may experience undue amounts of stress and anxiety, nightmares, regret, shame, and restlessness. Additionally, what they put out in the world open the doors for those very same things to occur to them, but in His timing!

Let’s say I had a girlfriend, and a guy friend or acquaintance was jealous and envious of my new season or happiness. Of course, at this point the friend would be an enemy, but I would not know. The enemy then uses gossip and lies to attack my character to hurt my reputation in hopes to destroy the season I am in, or maybe goes to the very dark side and pays someone to do spell work against me and my girlfriend to rip us apart. The following verse comes to mind.

Mark 10:9:

Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

While I feel taken out of context, I share it because if the girlfriend was to be the One, most likely God would protect the connection, but if the curses worked and we actually broke up that it was most likely not to be anyway. However, for the enemy, it will not end well.

While the enemy may be rejoicing, and it seems nothing has happened to them, God did not forget and I would be willing to bet that when and if their season comes, it will be ripped apart for them and if not, it could just be a curse disguised as a blessed season for them, taking them into a trap. The point, is, God has our back and is a just God!


In Clare’s message titled: Leviathan Spirit Infects the Church

Jesus continued, “I also wanted to confirm that your thoughts about praying against the marine kingdom and evil water spirits are on target as these are prayers that have been grossly overlooked. Satan has made much headway there because My people do not believe this kingdom is real, I assure you it’s very, VERY real. Just like on land and in the air, evil exists in the waters and must be dealt with and prayed against. The enemy uses My once beautiful creatures to do their bidding in animals and especially mankind, and in the deepest, depths of the ocean, this reality causes Me great pain and heartache. Please precious ones pray against these demonic forces in the water and bind the ancestral, generational curses that go along with them.

“The Church has become so infected with the diseases known as complacency and comfort as these are offshoots and results of the Leviathan spirits. As more evil is released on the Earth this wickedness continues to grow and intensify.”

As the Lord was speaking, I got the sense that we are not getting this, we think that the marine kingdom is made up, is fantasy or is addressed only in animated movies. These evil water spirits continue to ride the tide of generational curses passed down from our ancestors. The enemy‘s work has been woven into ancient curses that have become even more powerful and stronger today as darkness continues to rage over the whole world. If these generational curses are not dealt with, broken off and permanently severed, then they will multiply and grow stronger with each passing generation.

By the way, the 12 characteristics of a Leviathan Spirit is prideful because of past rejection or trauma. The spirit of pride offers people a false sense of identity and power. It’s chief job is to block deliverance and this sickness has infiltrated the Church by causing ministers to refuse to open up to the ministry of deliverance. These ministers are being controlled by a Leviathan spirit.

The Leviathan spirit twists the truth, breaks covenants, severs our relationship with God, is stiff-necked, hard-hearted and cold hearted, blocks communication with the Holy Spirit, is proud, arrogant, haughty, whispers lies, is contentious, lifts up leaders to destroy them, is depression, blame and self-pity.

So, you see, even in Church, there are compromised people that are being used by the enemy to hurt others.


So be one to carry on when people attack our character and destiny. If they don’t change, the only thing left for them is the pit. God will bless and protect us when we let Him have the vengeance. And to my gang stalkers and spies, when I look around and see you staring, when I look you in the eyes and you look away, you will be noticed.

You aren’t as stealthy as you think you are, the eyes are the window into the heart, and I will bring it out. I have that effect. Here is the ending music.

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