There’s No Going Back Now | Watchmen


Man Watching Sky

UPDATE (06/11/2023) – Well, not long after posting this I felt the Lord let me know that my enemies that monitor me, and follow my content here were laughing at this post. Then a couple days later, a whistleblower came out on video here, and shared that the U.S. has around 12 craft of non-human origin that they’re trying to reverse engineer, and then apparently unrelated to that, a UFO crashed in Vegas, which you can watch here.

All of this validates the stuff below. I bet my enemies aren’t laughing anymore but deeply troubled. With one of Trump’s 2024 goals to be the destruction of the Deep State and now being indicted by the Deep State and saying we’re at the final battle in his latest speech, we’re truly at a crossroads of biblical proportions. I can’t even process it all. I have since informed my employer that I am now switching to 4-hour workdays so I can focus on my life and the Lord in hopes I can better be prepared for what’s coming in the future. Luckily my employer allows me to do so and because I have no debt, I can do it. That’s why the Lord wants us to be debt free.

Hey folks, I hope your Memorial Day weekend was great! I decided to go camping and kayaking with a friend of mine on an island along the Mississippi River. I have a peddle kayak, an Old Town Predator PDL with some mods and it’s a blast to go fishing with. I use my kayak much more than when I had a jet ski. We had a good time, and it was good to get away from technology and electronics.

There was just one problem, I was doing something I enjoy but not feeling refreshed or much joy from it. As I sat around the campfire it was hard to just sit there and talk because before the trip, I was heavily researching the Great Pyramid of Giza and the theory that the pyramids were power plants of sorts, and my mind just wanted to dig for more answers.

My friend is not a researcher like I, and thus mundane talk about simple dynamics of life bore me. It’s almost torture for me to have something stuck in my mind, wanting to solve, and not have a way to do so or someone to discuss with. I started to really ponder that I can’t connect with others anymore that don’t think about the higher dynamics of life, at least not for prolonged periods.


I am no longer the naive boy that was steeped into this world’s matrix designed to distract us from our true purpose and destiny. I’ve spent countless hours researching the many mysteries and questions of the world. I am confident that if I wasn’t single, and was married, and had kids I would’ve been focused on providing for them and wouldn’t have stumbled upon the many things I know now as I wouldn’t have had time.

But that didn’t happen, and instead of that life, in my singleness and curiosity, I researched almost every mystery and concept I could think of. Truth be told, I hit a plateau at one point where I ran out of things to research. Then I found Clare’s archives and it was like I hit the jackpot for all the questions I ever had. Over the years, I now understand why God does not reveal everything all at once, because if He did, most people would be hospitalized because of the sheer weight of it all. There is a cost.


If you resonated with that, then you very well could be called to be one of God’s Watchmen for the time that is to come.

Watchmen in the Bible were guards responsible for protecting towns and military installations from surprise enemy attacks and other potential dangers. Ancient Israelite cities often stationed watchmen on high walls or in watchtowers. Their job was to keep watch and warn the townspeople of impending threats.

The Hebrew word translated “watchman” means “one who looks out,” “one who spies,” or “one who watches.” Sometimes watchmen were scouts who looked out for approaching friends as well as enemies. – source

If that’s one of your callings, then you’re very strong and can handle the dark truths of this world and the agendas of those against God. If you’re like me then you’ve probably been through a lot of oppression both spiritually and physically. Probably been called crazy and rejected by those you really care about when sharing what you’ve learned. Life may not be going well. That’s how I feel. That life is not going well for me based on the lives I compare around me.

As I was thinking these things, I feel God pointed out that because I know these many things as a Watchman, I am a strong threat to the devil, and the enemy wants me to meet my end. Those that aren’t a threat to the enemy are allowed to flourish and thrive in this life, they’re not concerned with the things of God but worldly pursuits. For the calling of the Watchmen, the enemy wants us dead and suffering so that we are no longer a threat or give up the call.


What you’re about to read below are many things that reveal the true nature of what’s coming to Earth. If you even have the attention span and resolve to read everything with an open mind, it’s unknown how you will internalize the information. You might not change at all, or you might see life through a new lens. This could affect your current and future relationships and those people may not see through your new lens like you do. This information is not for everyone but it’s time for me to go deeper into these things as I feel there is not much time left.


You first need to be aware that demon alien craft and technology exists, as well as the demonic beings that created it all. While the world calls them aliens, they’re actually demonic, but before I will explain that part of things you should review the video of Joe Rogan’s interview with Bob Lazar, to understand the existence part of technological things. Once you watch it all, the following material after reinforces it.

Bob Lazar is a physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, and also on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4 near the Area 51 Groom Lake operating location.

Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker. Watch the documentary “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers” now streaming on Netflix.

Now that you’ve heard Bob Lazar’s story, it’s clear our government has many crafts and are analyzing them, but the technology is far above anything we have today. Now, what you’re about to see is real footage of a demonic gray alien attempted to be interviewed by the underground Government. Watch it here.

One thing I want you to note is the grotesque look of the so called “alien”. The gray skin, black eyes, there’s nothing warming or nice about the creature. It looks as demonic as something could be. Do you God who created the beautiful Earth, us humans, and animals, also made these disgusting creatures?

There’s no beauty in them, and they’re as dull and dark as evil itself.

A female minister I follow, Clare Du Bois, receives visitations from the Lord similar to that recorded in the life and diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, and I found her ministry after praying over my life the following verse:

Jeremiah 33:3:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Below are some words claimed to be from Jesus to her on demon aliens.

In Clare’s message titled: Demon Alien Attack

Jesus continued,

“My little one, the hour is soon coming and upon you as these foreign beings begin to make their appearance among men. For now, they desire to stay hidden and release an energy force that is very compelling, causing many to be lured into their gaze and into their demonic universe. They have been doing this for years. They can transfer themselves from different places in an instant as demons and can manifest physically or make their presence known. What you felt in your room was one– but came in the spirit and it fled immediately when you did the sign of the cross, just as the one who was on your roof. Their ships are strong energy forces that release a sort of energy wave over the places they hover.

“Taos is one of the number one places for these beings, so is all of New Mexico. They have found their resting place and home here in the unground cities and in the stars, which have become a portal for them to go back and forth from Nibiru. They hate this community; they hate all the souls here and they hate your prayers. This community is doing much more damage than it realizes, with each prayer, with each intercession, and with each Rosary. They will stop at nothing to see this cease. They love to hide among the wooded areas as to not be seen, and touch down only when necessary to yet engage or allure the masses with a sight for them to excite wonder and curiosity grabbing the hearts of those who are ignorant and given over to this deception.”


If you noticed Jesus mentioned Nibiru. I learned about Nibiru in 2017 and the weight and darkness of that mystery has been in many end time dreams of mine. Seeing the blood red planet in the sky, knowing what its purpose is and what’s on it. At first you read this stuff and think it can’t possibly be real but it’s only when you dig further do you see it’s in-fact a real thing.

Revelation 8:10-11 says:

10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

Jeremiah 48:8 says:

The destroyer will come against every town, and not a town will escape. The valley will be ruined and the plateau destroyed, because the Lord has spoken.

Then there is also the Kolbrin Bible:

The Kolbrin Bible is a 2-part, 11-book secular anthology. The first six books are called the “Egyptian texts” and were penned by Egyptian academicians following the Hebrew Exodus. The last five books are called the “Celtic texts” and were penned by Celtic priests following the death of Jesus.

Several accounts describe an object in orbit around our sun called the “Destroyer,” which the Celtic authors call the “Frightener.” According to recently translated Sumerian texts, this object (also known as Nibiru or Planet X) is in a 3600-year orbit around our sun, and The Kolbrin Bible warns us of its imminent return and of yet another Biblical tribulation.

In Clare’s message titled: Jesus Speaks On: What Is To Come After The Rapture, Part 1 Order of Events

“The Destroyer (The planet Nibiru) will not come until you are removed, My Brides. There will be a season of chaos directly after you leave in which nations will conquer nations and Marshall Law will be installed under Sharia principals. All that do not renounce Me will be slain. All that take the Mark of the Beast, they will perish. Know that My Mercy shall know no boundaries for those who call to Me in these times.”

You see, this is why I warned you first, this is some of the darkest stuff to internalize. This is why you need to focus on your life with Jesus Christ and the mission He gave you for the salvation of souls.

This is also why many pastors don’t believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, they have no idea the horrors that are to come on the Earth. It’s not going to be just the government after you, but things out of this world unimaginable.

Luke 21:26:

26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.


It’s important to understand that when demon aliens make their public appearance that you do not fall for the ruse. The ruse that aliens seeded us humans on Earth and that they were the cause of all the disappearances of people after the rapture. After the rapture God’s hand is no longer restraining these demonic beings from manifesting in full as the Tribulation period begins at that point. I imagine they will have an elaborate story, evidence, footage, technology, the whole works to trick people into thinking God isn’t real, Jesus isn’t real, that they are our creators. When in actuality they’re demons posing as ETs.

In Clare’s message titled: Jesus Speaks On: Demons, Aliens, Volcanoes, and Hell Expanding

“Getting back to volcanoes. I have targeted the areas of the world that deal in human trafficking, drug running, and gross injustices against mankind. Earthquakes and volcanoes will take many lives and destroy much. It is not My wish to see any suffering in humanity, but you have no idea the atrocities against mankind these areas are involved in. The blood of their slain cries out to Me from the Earth. I will not delay; I will bring justice.

“Also these volcanoes are entrances to the underworld, direct channels to the bowels of Hell, and as Hell fills up, the Earth expands. This is no private thought of yours; I know you’ve had this thought before. I have given you this understanding, it came from Me.”

Oh, Lord that is horrible!

“There is also an increase in activity before demon aliens make their public entrance on the Earth. Everything is orchestrated to bring forward the last kingdom that will rule the entire world, synchronistically.

“Demon aliens will be enlisted by that government to search out and destroy communities of resisters, along with clones that will come forth from every corner of the Earth. Even now, small pods of such creatures inhabit even the most remote areas of the world, waiting for the word to come forth to search and destroy resisters. This new government would not be possible were it not for the help of these clones.”

I want to take a break here for a minute. The Lord permitted us to watch the X-files for a while. I don’t think I’ve ever watched anything darker and more morose in my life than those X-files.

But I remember one particular episode, where the star of the program was looking for his sister. It was up in Montana, I think – on the flats of Montana. He saw a little girl who was raising bees with a bunch of other girls and boys. And she looked exactly like his sister, the last time that he saw her.

They were in a very remote area – I remember the scene where they were with these bees that they kept. There was a man working on the telephone lines, and the bees killed the man, and they just stood there and watched. No emotions, no nothing. That was pretty grotesque, that was really bad.

“The skies will be so full of demon aliens that people will be beside themselves with shock and awe. In the very beginning, they will be led to believe they are benign. Then without warning, the supposed evil ones will ‘invade’ and a war in the heavens will break out. This is only a staged even to galvanize all the countries into one government.”

Lord, may I have a vision of this?”

I was expecting a multicolored scene, but the skies, somewhat polluted, were filled as far as the eye could see with discs and other vehicles of strange proportions and shapes, all very monotone and metallic. Although the sun didn’t gleam off of any of them, it seemed to be a rather hazy day. Maybe that’s why.

“It is no coincidence that volcanoes and sin are in proximity to one another. There are connections to demonic activity, increased in an area where the portals are open. This is also a fact in Hawaii.


There’s a lot to unpack, but understand that phenomena like reported in the Missing 411 books, the disappearances of those in National Parks and others around the world are tied to the activities of these demonic beings.

In Clare’s message titled: Alien Vehicles Will Fill The Skies

Jesus began to speak, “I know you are confused Beloved. First you must understand that the symbolism in Scripture can be applied to many different layers of civilization, in many different layers of time, and at the same time have dual meanings, and they tend to repeat themselves. For instance, there have been many Anti-Christs. Consider Nero and Caligula, Hitler, and many others. They could all be described as anti-Christs. I could go on and on but rather than make this message unbearably long, let us stick to the topic.

“You are correct, when you realized that the demon aliens will be cast down to the earth and they will make a showing by filling the skies. It is true that encounters have been steadily occurring and continue to happen. Governments have entered into agreements with them, giving them permission to abduct and use the people of the earth to complete their experiments to create look a-likes and clones for their demons could inhabit. But I recently heard that President Trump did not renew the treaty with the grays, and they are presently being escorted out of the solar system. Even the tunnels that are being blown up in the underground cities also have an extremely high gray population in some areas.

“The crux of the matter is Satan’s lust for power, dominion and worship first, and the secondary matter is the desire to destroy humankind and the earth because of insatiable jealousy. This is why his hatred is so hot. He despises men because they are loved by US, meaning Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He despises the earth because it was created beautiful by US for mankind. He cannot touch US, but he can hurt our creation and the ones we love, and in doing so hurt us.

“So, his agenda is double sided. One, get man to worship him and two, destroy man and the earth. He thinks that by giving man superior technologies, things that only the higher angels understand, he can then present himself as God and receive worship. You are correct when you said, there is no such thing as a good extra-terrestrial or alien. They are all demons who have created body suits of different kinds to exploit those of the Earth, who We created and gave a spirit from the very heart of the Father. and they will try and convince you of their benevolence”.

“They have taken what WE have created and re-engineered it to make bodies for demon entities to inhabit. The supposed Federations of Light, etc., are highly intelligent fallen angels, and the lesser demons in body suits, according to their levels in Satan’s kingdom. Pleiadeans, Venusians; Tall whites; and hybrids appearing as human, as well as grays, are all spirit beings from the demonic realm, who rebelled against the Father and were cast out of Heaven.

“They have been cast out of the third heaven, soon to be cast out of the second heaven and will make a show of grand force being cast down to earth. This is how the great appearance will manifest. Saucers and other space craft will fill the skies. They will invite the foolish to step into their vehicles.”


UPDATE (06/17/2023) – Courtney Brown, Ph.D. of The Farsight Institute released a video on his background with extraterrestrials and it was pretty clear the poor man has been deceived be demons since he was young. He mistook his yearning for something into things not of God. Whether, RV is real or not, when demons are involved and the protection of the Holy Spirit not present, deception is around. Pray for Courtney that he would see the truth before he is tricked when things turn from rapture to abduction by the media on the day of the rapture.

As I was researching the Great Pyramid of Giza I came across one of Farsight’s projects again. I am still on the fence about Remote Viewing as if the Holy Spirit is not involved that means the source of information is very questionable.

Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance. – source

However, when it came to the mystery, there was no other leads. I think it’s possible RV could be tapping into the quantum realm. Similar to instances of how we think of someone we haven’t seen in many years and then we see them at the grocery store 10 minutes later, and I didn’t ask Holy Spirit for that. Perhaps, all humans have these abilities, but they just are not tuned. In any case, what was provided fits what’s talked about above.

The RV sessions talk about dummy clones being created in labs, which to me would be by the fallen angels. They have no souls and are robotic in personality and were used as fodder to the creation of the pyramids by cutting and melting the stone.

The session jumps to the caretaker being “praying mantis” like. Basically, it was a demon alien controlling them. Funny enough, a search of “Praying Mantis Alien” did come up with results, here. If the RV session is true, all of the things Jesus mentioned above seem to be possible by these demonic ETs.

I wanted to note how Dick said that the caretaker entity was caring, and this scripture came to mind right away.


2 Corinthians 11:14:

14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.

It’s possible the correct visuals were given of the RV target, but the emotions and motives could’ve been deceptive. If the aliens are demons, it’s certainly not caring so that’s where RV without the Holy Spirit and God involved is dangerous, but I provide to you as additional information.

It appears the demons are invading the dreams and minds of people with open doors to give them visions and experiences that make them believe they’ve been abducted. Those people then share those experiences and visions with others, and this will strengthen the narrative of the deception to come, that aliens seeded us on Earth. With thousands of stories by people, many will fall for it.


As one of God’s Watchmen it’s my job to share what I find no matter how crazy or controversial. I am not a pastor, I am not a public figure, I am a little one in Christ trying to help in the monumental task of waking up souls so they can be saved before time runs out. Many have already heard the gospel, been preached to multiple times, prayed over, and have yet not converted over. It’s the information like above that may help bridge the gap and instill a ‘healthy’ fear of the Lord and snap people out of this matrix/worldly system.

For those that followed everything, it’s important to understand the rapture is God’s gift to be able to avoid all of these horrible things. There’s still time to become a spotless bride in Christ and be ready for that day. Are you awake now? Now you know why I can’t just sit around a campfire and talk about mundane things for long. And to any elites reading, you’re not as smart as you think. Here is this post’s ending music.

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