When The Lord’s Love Overflows


Cross of Light Overseeing Nature

My Christian walk since 2016 has not been an easy one. In-fact it has been very difficult. At first, it’s like a honeymoon phase, you realize the Lord’s love for you, the events to come, and your higher purpose. While all good things, you may quickly find that those around you won’t understand, or perhaps they can’t. When you accept Jesus Christ ‘truly’ from the heart, the Holy Spirit comes into you and changes you.

Your heart, mind, and spirit change, and what you see with your eyes will change. When I gave my life to Jesus Christ in self-made prayer one night, the Holy Spirit came into me I felt my solar plexus/stomach area heat up quite significantly and I knew God was there and He was real. I think I also received healing at the same time as well. You can do the same right now too.


A little saying, I found that expresses my Christian walk accurately is, “If you die before you die, you will not die when you die”. Every day, it’s like I am watching a play of people, people pursuing things that don’t really matter. Whether it’s money, fame, validation, beauty, material things, pastimes and distractions I can’t shake the death in it all.

Meanwhile I am worried about our nation, the coming rapture, and tribulation period, exposing corruption, spreading truth, waking people up, and nobody around me seems to care. I notice compromises in everyday life and even in my Church. Nobody is perfect, but where are the people who want to fight for no-compromises and push a life of ‘Holy Poverty”.

Why is everyone so soft? The COVID-19 pandemic brought people to tears and massive depression and for me it didn’t feel like anything at all. I almost couldn’t tell I was in a pandemic if it wasn’t for forced mask mandates. Perhaps it’s because the last 4-5 years I have been thinking about the coming tribulation and COVID-19 compared to that will be like a mosquito compared to a lion.

I have seen the forest for the trees, and it’s clear that society is under a spell of the world. Only massive events and the Holy Spirit can change this, and that usually means hard times have to come. I have no doubt millions will come to the Lord during the tribulation period because of this.


I have tried to explain much of this to my family, my dad who seems to be concerned with enjoying this life and increasing his 401(K). My Mom who seems addicted to social media, trying to get validation from others, not taking time to understand where the ’emptiness’ is actually coming from, while partaking in many other distractions. My two younger brothers concerned about job status, making money.

I love them all so very much, but they just can’t see from my perspective. My family is wonderful and have seen changes in them over the years of my rambling to them, but nothing significant can occur until ‘they’ make the willful effort to give their entire selves to Jesus Christ. They have to do it and I can’t force it. The Lord knows the timing.

Even in my home Church, I see all the same issues, but these people are saved and forgiven. I am yearning to find those that see beyond Earthly things and want to discard them and focus on the ‘true’ work at hand. I want to see people desire to take action and make a difference even if they’re extremely uncomfortable. I want to see people know how to research, explore and think beyond.

The Christian walk is a lonely one and connecting with people that have their foot deeply in this world and Christian at the same time just don’t connect with me well, because this Earth’s systems and ways are practically dead to me. Things like, video games, entertainment, shows, movies, accumulating money, houses, shopping, drinking, social media, whatever it is that ‘normal’ people do just appear worthless to me.

I am not saying I never partake in those things, but their draw to me is dead. People around me use these things to connect with others, relax and have fun, and that’s OK, but for me all I can think about is the wasted time and lack of progress.

I think if many people attempted to remove much of the above from their lives, they would also feel the emptiness more strongly since they’re not distracted by those things, of-course this may be why people are doing them in the first place, to distract form that very feeling. They should feel the emptiness and contemplate why it’s there. Perhaps then they would understand more deeply what I feel and what’s truly important.

That’s why I need the Dream Team, and why it’s time to start trying to find them. It’s funny because I always avoided leadership positions in my life because I didn’t want to let people down, but my irritation with many leaders and organizations is pushing me to lead so things can be the way I feel they should be done.


Of course, since the Lord knows this, there are times He overflows me with His love and Holy Spirit. When these moments happen, I can feel the warmth inside my heart emanating like a fire, bursting, getting stronger, pulsating, and it’s so comforting! You feel slightly disoriented and at rest with the feeling and I feel like I could do anything for the Lord in these moments.

In December of 2020, I felt this strongly several times and did some very good things I can’t mention for biblical reasons that were out of my character and certainly would not be approved by my family. I was so in-love with the Lord that I was excited to do these things and I didn’t want to stop. It’s just that powerful!

Those actions bring me joy because they’re ‘eternal’ not superficial.  When I die and go to Heaven those actions will be in my Book of Life, and I will see the ripple effects of them all, the comfort they brought to others and God! That’s what matters in this life, and I look for those that think the same and want to work towards more of those actions.


Only time will tell if I can find those people. With the Lord at my side, I can endure anything the world throws at me. He loves me! Jesus Christ also loves you and is waiting for you to come to Him. You can do so right now even at your bed. Jesus doesn’t want a memorized common prayer, He just wants you to get on your knees and dumb all of the years of sin and shame at His feet, while you ask for forgiveness and repent, and to give your life to Him. It must be from the heart, and genuine.

If this, is you, don’t be afraid, now is the time to come to Jesus. He will forgive you of all your sins. Reflect on Paul in the Bible who killed Christians, yet God forgave him and used him, and Paul wrote much of the New Testament. How many of you killed Christians in your life or anyone for that matter? Probably not many of you. So, what do you have to worry about? And even if you did, you can still come to Him!

It’s time.

Matthew 16:25:

25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Here is music to end this post.

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