Your Testimony is Your Destiny | Your Life Matters


Clock Destiny Pointer

It’s true that life isn’t fair and there is much darkness to be seen and endure. Not only are we battling the evil and corruption in this world against us physically and mentally, but also the many demons in the unseen realms are also attacking us spiritually, which also affects us physically and mentally. As a Christian myself, whether influenced by the demons or not, I go through times of questioning God’s plan for life on Earth here.

I’ve read and researched many things, and it’s my understanding that this life is not simply a time to live, to acquire our internal desires, to be happy as many feel the purpose of life is. However, that life is actually a test. It’s a test to see if we’re fit for Heaven and the purposes of God, and this test is passed by how well we love others and ourselves by the example and template Christ gave us in the Bible.

1 Corinthians 10:13:

13 No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.

My thoughts on this with God revolve around questioning His goodness regarding this earthly test as it doesn’t seem fair and there doesn’t seem to be an established baseline. For example, if this life is a testing ground of sorts and God is able to do anything, why are some souls allowed to be born with autism, deformities, missing limbs, handicapped, born into drug addicted families, sex-trafficking, poor countries where one must fight to live each day and almost having no future prospects? Especially considering all the stable families out there struggling to have children at all.

When it comes to people born with physical disabilities and deformities many quote the following verses to uplift them.

Psalm 139:13-16:

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

I do not read the above verses to mean the physical body as God would not create a body that isn’t perfect as everything God creates is perfect. Imperfections are a result of this fallen world, our imperfect DNA after the fall, mixed with environmental factors, and genetics. However, the words used are “inmost being”, which I feel speaks about our souls. Those are perfectly made, one of a kind, can only come from God.


I believe the above question is why so many in the world question God’s existence and roll their eyes when Christians proclaim the goodness of God to them. They’re looking at the darkness in the world and why there doesn’t seem to be a baseline of protection to life. Seeing the darkness in lives of others and their lives, creates anger and bitterness towards God and life. The bitterness over time acts as a poisonous spiritual seed that takes root in one’s soul and the love in one’s heart grows cold.

This is why it’s so hard to reach these ones with the Chrisitan mission, they can’t receive the Lord into their hearts as the Lord will not bust the door down in their hearts and enter, they must open the door handle from the inside and let the Lord in. The Lord has given us free-will and he will not impose Himself on us, we must make the willful decision to accept Him in.

Many atheists don’t know this, they go throughout their entire lives not feeling God as strongly as they could, questioning His existence because they never let Him in. The door handle to your soul/heart is only on the inside and you must willfully let God in. Additionally, it has to be a pure intention. This is what happened to me when I was 23 after watching this NDE testimony alone in my room at night. I wasn’t an atheist however, I believed in God, but it was of a religious nature in my head.

The NDE showed me many things, that religion meant nothing to God, that God is always with us, keeping track of us, our entire lives are recorded, we have a divine purpose, and God is indeed good, and there is much to be excited for. I prayed, asked for forgiveness, and invited Jesus into my heart, I then felt my core heat up really hot, and I knew it was God. I also believe I was healed of a stomach problem at that time as well.

After that is when everything changed for me, it was like scales fell off my eyes and I saw life through a new lens. I joined a newly just built Church in my city, and things went from there. I remember joining my first bible study group at the pastor’s house with strangers I’ve never met and feeling a lot of anxiety about it. That was like a big step and event for me. That was years ago and now I help lead groups at Church and have no anxiety at all, even in a group where the people are 10-20 years older than me.

I can’t say if my anxiety was removed or if it was just the small steps of putting myself in situations that challenged my anxiety more and more over years than eventually trained it out of me. I like to think of anxiety now as not a detriment but a symptom of a lack of life experience/challenge. So, for those out there that struggle with anxiety, you can’t run from things because of it, you must face the feeling each time and I believe eventually, it will go away, but it may take years like it did for me.


Over the years since giving my heart to the Lord I’ve noticed the enemy throwing more and more rocks at me. This could be in the form of negative thoughts and feelings, questions, lies, and circumstances, loss of some friends, some acquaintances and some reputation. The Lord’s message of life is the opposite of this world’s message of death. This world’s message of death comes in many forms but the one most common is vanity.

The world has conditioned many to desire things that don’t matter with almost even a competitive nature. This is the main danger with social media other than wasted time, it’s designed to highlight the best of the best, the worst of the worst, and make you compare your life to it. The envy, jealousy, bitterness, anger, and divisiveness, and narcissistic tendencies of human nature come out on these platforms.

Even Christians are not immune to it and have trouble seeing through it. They desire to live their best life on Earth but trying at the same time to live their best life for Christ is like Ying and Yang, it can’t be done without compromise, and compromise leads to death.

I’ve found over the years I choose to be alone and meditate more than to prefer going out with friends. Some people take this the wrong way and think I am ditching them, or flaking, avoiding them, being stuck-up. What they don’t understand is that even if I go out with them, due to my work with helping God’s kingdom I am more heavily under attack and internally battling things. I can tell hours before an event if it will be enjoyable or not for me if I attend. If I rule it not to be I will not go.

The enemy in the unseen realms does not enjoy us taking ground from it, so it will throw rocks at us. We can dodge and endure but there are times where we must fight back and diffuse them, or we will have degraded performance in life and our mission. For those reading, you can use a binding prayer here to help you. Life is a battle and sometimes we must take authority and fight back.


There are people who will come to my site here that will be suicidal or close to it. Suicide has become an epidemic. They see and feel the darkness of this world. I always want my posts to be uplifting but it’s important I talk about all the dynamics of life and death is part of it but I can provide something for you to read that may help.

A female minister I follow, Clare Du Bois, receives visitations from the Lord similar to that recorded in the life and diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, and I found her ministry after praying over my life the following verse:

Jeremiah 33:3:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Below are some words claimed to be from Jesus to her on restoration.

In Clare’s message titled: JESUS Speaks on Restoration When All Seems Lost

Jesus began, “You are wanting to end your life because you cannot see beyond your problems and the troubles that surround you in the world. The truth is you have not even begun to live your life yet. The gifts I embedded in you at your birth have not begun to be used. There are layers and layers and layers of gifts in your spirits. Gifts of joy, perseverance, accomplishment, Divine appointments, open doors, souls that were born to be your marriage partner, all this and more than you can even imagine, await you in your lives, but that requires your cooperation. Many times, I lead you in the right direction while you are thinking one outcome, I have an outcome that is so much better than your outcome.

“Many of you are suicidal because you have been listening to music Satan created through unsuspecting artists, to lead you to suicide. Why would they do that? Because this generation right now is an anointed generation full of gifts and Satan fears you growing up to adulthood and becoming a threat to him by restoring souls who also have given up hope. These are lies I tell you, all of them lies! Consider this My children, you are ready to throw away the life I gave you. Why not throw away your self will to end your life and instead, give it to Me to dispose of it any way I want to? Therefore, if physical death is what you need, it will happen, if movie making or writing is your gift, I will make that happen. If finding the love of your life is what will make you happy, I will see to it that you meet and recognize them for who they are.

“What I am saying to you is that you cannot lose by giving up your life and free will to Me, because I will make it the most beautiful life you thought you could ever have. I will heal all the broken places, I will restore all the gifts, I will send angels into your lives to help you. I will instruct you in basic skills that will enable you to flourish and follow your path in life without giving up. Those deep wounds in your souls will be healed when you bring them to Me, for I have medicine you know not of.

“People will begin to come into your life that are good and helpful, and I will even weed out the bad apples that do not understand this life of serving Me. I will expose all the lies you have been fed in the media, all the lies you have been fed about Me that were created to cause you to give up. You will see how you have been duped by the modern culture; and the mask will be pulled away and you will see all the opportunities lying before you.

“Giving Me your life releases you to the highest level of fulfillment a soul is capable of in their lifetimes. Why? Because you were created by My Father and only, WE know the destiny you were created for. Everything in your life you have experienced, both the bad and the good, were allowed to prepare you for your mission, and it will be a mission you love. Even the really painful experiences, that I did not send, that Satan sent, will be turned around to your good and the good of your friends, and those who find themselves in the very same situations you overcame with Me standing beside you, closing the doors of evil and opening the doors to all that is good and needful in your life.

“And how will I do this? I will communicate in your heart, dear one. You will feel good about some opportunities and feel bad about others. I will give you the wisdom to spot lies and empty promises that will cheat you out of life and steal your destiny. Yes, Satan wants to steal your destiny. But if you give your life to Me and abide by My rules, he will not succeed, but you will overcome his traps and tricks.

“What, you ask, do I require? My beloved one, seek Me in prayer, open your heart and pour it out to Me so that you can receive the good counsel I will give you. You may write down what is on your heart on the computer or in a journal, like a letter to a close friend and when you are done, you may feel or sense words coming to you that are not from yourself. Typically, I will reach out and say something that is very clear in your mind. If you write that down and believe it, I will continue, and before you know it you and I will have a real working relationship. You were born for this, you were born for greater things…so do not throw your life away, give it away to Me and I will make possible what you thought was impossible.

He continued, “You will hear a voice in your heart, “This is the way, walk in it.” and you will know it is My voice because I promised, My sheep hear My voice. You will walk in that way, and it will not always be easy, but I will teach you how to overcome Satan’s fury that you gave your life to Me. He will in no way succeed if you hold to My ways.

“When you are in your darkest moment, you will seek Me and find Me. It may very well be on this channel, or on website, where you will realize, I am talking to you, and you are getting a confirmation.

There is much to unpack here but it speaks for itself. I like how Jesus mentions, “souls that were born to be your marriage partner” which is another confirmation that Jesus has a choice for us. There is also the note about Satan using music to lead people to suicide. For music lovers, Clare has a post on music frequency titled: Jesus Clarifies New Age & A-444.4 Tuning


Suffering and what we endure, and preserverance is part of our testimony. Not giving up is part of our testimony. The great things God does for us, and the bad things the enemy did that God turns to good are all part of our testimony.

Many of you have never shared your testimony, some maybe with a few but not publicly. Many of you are still on social media and have multiple accounts with hundreds and thousands of followers. You can share your testimony with all of them so easily, but why don’t you?

Will some people shun you? Will some people unfollow and remove? Yes, but that’s the part of our walk, and being afraid of losing those connections stems from fear and the spirit of acceptance being a stumbling block to you as well as vanity. You can do it from the comfort of your home, there is no excuse to not do so, and believe me, it will be brought up in your life review after death if you don’t do so.

Despite these questions you may ponder, despite the darkness, despite unfairness, whatever it may be. Your destiny is in your testimony of your walk with Jesus Christ. In Heaven, all things will be restored. On Earth, the test is to follow the template provided by Jesus and the Bible, and to utilize what you were given on Earth to glorify God and bring souls to salvation. That’s why your testimony is so important, for some it may be all they have to give, but even in a case like that God will be very pleased. Sharing our testimonies is very important.


2 Corinthians 4:16-18:

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Your life matters. There is hope, even if not much is found on Earth, we know how this story of life on Earth ends and where followers of Christ will go. The end is good for those that follow Jesus. For those that don’t yet know Jesus, it’s not too late and it doesn’t matter what you’ve done.

The enemy wants you to think you’re not worthy but that is a lie.

Happy Easter, the Lord is good! Even if we don’t always feel it, it’s true, may you find the light and may you stay in it. Please back me up in your prayers if you can, it’s been a rough last few weeks for me. Until we meet again, here is this post’s ending music.

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